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Dec 27, 2022

Entrepreneurship doesn’t always look like what we see in movies or on social media. You don’t need a big fancy office, expensive equipment, and a big team of people to be successful. You need the willingness to learn and change directions if needed. That might mean failing a few times and feeling like you have no...

Dec 20, 2022

A lot of people confuse the difference between PR and marketing, but the purpose of PR is to get people to have a certain idea and feeling about you. This is where you build your “know, like, and trust” factor. Respect will not just be handed to you, and just because you put content out, does not mean the customers...

Dec 13, 2022

There are a lot of opinions about network marketing, and with that, come many skeptics. You might have heard this business model called a “pyramid scheme”, which has the connotation that only the people at the top are gaining at the expense of others, and that is it difficult to make a lot of money, but done right,...

Dec 6, 2022

Fear often keeps people from going after what they really want in life and keeps them complacent in a job or position in which they are not utilizing their full potential. This is because we’re taught to lie and say the “right” thing instead of what we actually want and what’s real in our hearts. This leads to...

Nov 29, 2022

Desiree Maya, host of the "Born Unbreakable" podcast, interviews Tony Whatley.

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